Frequently Asked Questions
What is a "Systems-Built" home?
The term "systems-built" reflects the hi-tech way we build our homes, or, more commonly known as modular. Our homes are built entirely indoors in state-of-the-art facilities to keep your home safe and dry from the elements. It is built by skilled craftsmen, and inspected numerous times to deliver the high quality you expect. We believe it's a better way to build and after you've evaluated the variety of homes we offer, our construction process, and the quality of our homes, we're confident you will feel the same way.

What are the advantages of systems-built home?
There are many advantages to this type of construction. Here are just a few...
Your home is built in a climate controlled environment and is never exposed to the elements.
At the site, your home is "under roof" in one day; therefore materials are never exposed to rain or snow. This reduces the risk of material deterioration and/or mold issues and protects your investment and the quality of your home.
Your home is built with upgraded specs and higher quality.
Your home is built faster which reduces total construction time.
Protection against cost overruns. When your home is ordered your price is locked in.
Do you offer Energy Star or Green Built Certification?
Absolutely! Energy Star certification alone makes your home anywhere from 15% to 50% more efficient. When you go Green Built you also get the Energy Star as well. Please call for more details.
Do you offer custom floor plans?
Yes, we are a "customer" builder and we are happy to look at building your plan, ours, or someone else's. Even though we have hundreds of plans on this website, we understand that "one size does not fit all."

What is your warranty policy?
Your home has a one-year warranty from the manufacturer on material and workmanship, plus they also provide a 10 year extended warranty. Likewise, Country Living Homes warrants our work for one year.
Do you offer financing? What type of loan do I need?
Yes, over the years we have established relationships with many banks and lenders. The type of loan you need is a construction-to-perm loan which finances the construction of your home and then modifies to your 30-year permanent mortgage when your home is complete. Have you been told you cannot obtain a construction-to-perm loan? No worry! Some of our lenders offer a 2-step loan process which achieves the same thing.
Must I already own the land before I can build?
No! The lender can finance the purchase of your land and your home at the same time.
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